Raymond Viger | Dossier Suicide

quebec-suicide-prevention-handbook crise interventionQuebec, population 8 million, is a world leader in one sad category : suicides. This nominally happy, wealthy province of Canada tops the charts in the number of adults who end their lives each year.

Even attempts, rife within the youth population, leave indelible scars. Any suicidal act, completed or attemted, has many victims.

suicide-intervention quebec suicide prevention handbookFrom the streets of Canada’s poorest area, East End Montreal, to the isolated northern Arctic native villages over 1,000 miles north of the U.S.-Canada border, the extent of this scourge within Quebec society has had one unintended beneficial consequence.

The province’s suicide intervention community has accumulated a vast repository of knowledge and techniques they use on a daily basis. Despair, addiction, loneliness, loss : reasons for suicidal thoughts are varied, but Quebec’s overworked interveners have noticed similarities in the trajectory sufferers take on their downward slide.

raymond-viger suicide intervention prevention handbook criseIn its French-Language version first published in 1996, the compact, concise, easy-to-read Quebec Suicide Prevention Handbook is an indispensable tool for psychologists, social workers and community workers in Quebec, France and elsewhere. Now for the first time this book has been adapted into English.

The original author, Raymond Viger, therapist, youth centre operator and community activist, has over 20 years’ experience in the field.

colin-mcgregor-journaliste-prison-auteur-anglophoneHe has teamed up with Colin McGregor, long-term federal inmate, lifelong journalist to produce this small, handy, affordable handbook for social workers and sufferers alike. Both men have also attempted the awful final act. Viger trains social workers at several colleges, including McGregor’s alma mater, McGill University, in suicide prevention techniques.

What is the extent of the problem ? What triggers, warning signs, should people look out for ? How do you deal with an actively self-destructive person ? At what stage should specific helpful acts be undertaken ? This guidebook demystifies the subject. Charts and graphs lay out easy-to-follow ideas. This book is a vital resource. A section is adressed to those who have suffered the grief of a loved one’s suicide.

Available in softcover (5 X 7 inches, 90 pages) for 7,95$ ; on in e-book format for 4,95$.

Au coût de 9,95$ (2$ taxe et frais de transport), il est disponible en ligne, par téléphone (514 256-9000 en région: 1-877-256-9009).

Maintenant disponible en anglais: Suicide Prevention Handbook.

Par la poste: Reflet de Société 625 De La Salle, Montréal, Qc H1V 2J3

Ressources sur le suicide

  • Québec: 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553). Les CLSC peuvent aussi vous aider.
  • Canada: Service de prévention du suicide du Canada 833-456-4566
  • France Infosuicide 01 45 39 40 00 SOS Suicide: 0 825 120 364 SOS Amitié: 0 820 066 056
  • BelgiqueCentre de prévention du suicide 0800 32 123.
  • Suisse: Stop Suicide
  • Portugal: (+351) 225 50 60 70

Guide d’intervention de crise auprès de personnes suicidaires

guide-d-intervention-de-crise-personne-suicidaire-suicide-intervention-prevention-suicide-rates-suicideLe guide d’intervention auprès de personnes suicidaires démystifie le suicide. Il permet d’aider les proches à reconnaître les signes avant-coureur du suicide et de déterminer qu’est-ce qui peut être fait pour soutenir la personne en crise.

Une section du guide est réservée aux endeuillés par suicide.

Le livre est disponible au coût de 9,95$. Par téléphone: (514) 256-9000, en région: 1-877-256-9009. Par Internet.

Par la poste: Reflet de Société 3894, Ste-Catherine Est, Montréal, Québec, H1W 2G4

Maintenant disponible en anglais: Quebec Suicide Prevention Handbook.

Autres textes sur le Suicide

Survivre, un organisme d’intervention et de veuille en prévention du suicide et en promotion de la Santé mentale. Pour faire un don. Reçu de charité pour vos impôts. Merci de votre soutien.

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